Thanks again for choosing Alaska Vacation Store for your Alaska Vacation!

In order to make sure that we have all of the information that we need to complete your reservations, we ask that you complete the following form. The information we gather will be used only to facilitate your visit here to Alaska. We will not sell or divulge any of this information to any parties, except those that we contract with directly to provide services to you.

This is a two-step process. The first the form below. After you complete the form, you will be asked to visit the Enterprise Car Rental website. By completing their form, we can expedite your car pickup when you arrive in Anchorage. Thanks for your help!

First, we want to make sure that you have read and understand the Terms and Conditions document. This document was sent to you with your first sample itinerary. If you have not read the Terms and Conditions, you can click on this link. Once you have read them and accept them, please click the checkbox below:

I have read, understand and accept the Terms and Conditions:    (this is a required field).

Next, we need information on each member of your party (please include full middle names), and for birthdates, please include the full four-digit year:

  Full Legal Name (First Middle Last Suffix) Date of Birth - mm/dd/yyyy Weight
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4
Person 5
Person 6

Do any of the members of your party have any special needs, allergies or dietary requirements that we should be aware of? If so, please list them below:

Will you have a cellular phone while here in Alaska? Please list your cell phone numbers, cell carrier, and any email addresses that you can access from your phone. We will occasionally send text messages or email to guests when they are here in Alaska, in order to facilitate your trip.

Note: when entering your cell phone number, please enter the number with the country code (1 for US and Canada) and no spaces or dashes. For example: 19075551212.

Name Cell Number Cell Carrier Email address of phone

Arrival and Departure Information

Please complete the following fields about your transportation to and from Alaska:

Arrival information

Carrier Flight number/Vessel Arrival Date Arrival Time

Departure Information

Carrier Flight number/Vessel Departure Date Departure Time


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