KL5O - Celebrating Alaska Day on our 50th Anniversary of Statehood

Amateur Radio Special Event Station, October 18, 2009 1800Z to October 19, 2009 0600Z


Potter Marsh, just south of Anchorage


Special Event Station
Where We're Spotted
On The Air
QSL Information
Your Qs
About KL5O
About Alaska Day


The KL5O special event station will operate from numerous stations across Alaska, all using the KL5O callsign. As many stations as possible will be operating during the special event, but not more than one per mode per band.

Here are the stations that will be on the air using the callsign KL5O, along with their frequencies and modes:

Station Modes Bands
AL1G - Anchorage SSB, CW, Digital 15, 20, 30, 40
AL2F - Anchor Point SSB 80
AL9A - Wasilla SSB, CW 15, 17, 20, 30, 40
KL2R - Fairbanks SSB, CW 15, 20,
KL7AA - Anchorage SSB, CW 15, 20, 30, 40
KL1JP - Fairbanks SSB, CW 30
KL7OU - Big Lake SSB 20, 40
KL7RA - Kenai SSB, CW, Digital 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80, 160
KL8DX - Denali Park/Healy SSB, CW, Digital 10, 20, 80



EMAIL: kl5o@kl5o.com Hosting and website sponsored by Alaska Vacation Store